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Afternoon Watch Recording

Tabular Data 3 : Statistics for machine learning using the National Inpatient Sample Dataset


You can copy shared resources to your home directory if you are not able to clone using git.
Shared Notebook: /mnt/efs/day1/Statistics4ML

Command to copy home directory: cp /mnt/efs/day1/Statistics4ML ~/ -R

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Emory CXR : Patient’s Imaging Journey in the Health Care System

Emory CXR : Data Preprocessing

GitHub: https://github.com/theodapamede/dicom_preprocessing


You can copy shared resources to your home directory if you are not able to clone using git.
Shared Notebook: /mnt/efs/day1/dicom_preprocessing

Command to copy home directory: cp /mnt/efs/day1/dicom_preprocessing ~/ -R

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Finding the Correct Answer (Ground Truths)

(Google) Improving Accessibility for Health AI with Embeddings

Models on the CXR Dataset

GitHub: https://github.com/f10409/Datathon24_CXR_Pipeline

You can copy shared resources to your home directory if you are not able to clone using git.
Shared Notebook: /mnt/efs/day2/Datathon24_CXR_Pipeline

Command to copy home directory: cp /mnt/efs/day2/Datathon24_CXR_Pipeline ~/ -R


Morning – Watch Recording
Afternoon – Watch Recording

EMBED - Data Engineering

You can copy shared resources to your home directory if you are not able to clone using git.
Shared Notebook: /mnt/efs/day3/EMBED_Notebooks_Bea/

Command to copy home directory: cp -r /mnt/efs/day3/EMBED_Notebooks_Bea/ ~/EMBED_Notebooks_Bea

EMBED - Training Whole Image Classifier

You can copy shared resources to your home directory if you are not able to clone using git.
Shared Notebook: /mnt/efs/day3/TrainMMGImageClassifier/

Command to copy home directory: cp -r /mnt/efs/day3/TrainMMGImageClassifier/ ~/

EMBED - Model Evaluation and Inference

You can copy shared resources to your home directory if you are not able to clone using git.
Shared Notebook: /mnt/efs/day3/EMBED_Model_Eval/

Command to copy home directory: cp -r /mnt/efs/day3/EMBED_Model_Eval ~/EMBED_Model_Eval


Morning – Available Soon
Afternoon – Available Soon

EMBED - Breast MRI Model

You can copy shared resources to your home directory if you are not able to clone using git.
Shared Notebook: /mnt/efs/day4/BreastMRI/

Command to copy home directory: cp -R /mnt/efs/day4/BreastMRI/ ~/


Humanizing AI: The Patient's Influence in Reducing Bias in Women's Health


Morning – Watch Recording
Afternoon – Watch Recording